tl;dr – I modified my cat feeder to only feed one of my two cats using a Raspberry Pi webcam and image analysis with TensorFlow.
Meet Lola
My cat for seven years who is healthy and fuzzy and an all-around good cat. However, she is a very picky eater. She takes small bites of food sporadically throughout the day from a food dish just for her on top of a tall dresser.
Meet Madison (Maddie for short)
Obese cat that was recently put on a strict diet of canned food twice a day (no carbs!). Due to her obesity, she’s been unable to leap onto the dresser to eat Lola’s food. Until now. Perhaps she’s regaining some athletic ability with the new diet, or her appetite has overwhelmed her fear, but a couple weeks ago she finally made the leap to the bounty of Lola’s food dish. Not good.
The Problem
Lola likes her dry food (a mix of Science Diet and Orijen), and only eats a tiny bit at a time whenever she wants. I’ve made several attempts at getting her on a schedule, but this results in incessant yowling at all hours along with a stubborn refusal to eat during the allotted mealtime. All was well when Lola was the only cat with the leaping ability to reach the skyward food dish. Now there’s no place for cat food to hide that Maddie won’t find.
I needed a way to keep Maddie on her diet, but allow Lola to peck at her food when she decides it’s mealtime. If tiny portions of food could be presented to Lola, she would eat all of it leaving none for Maddie. But how to get Lola (and not Maddie) tiny portions of food when I’m away at work or sleeping?
The Feeder
I bought an automated cat feeder a few years ago to dispense food to the cats whilst on vacation. It’s sturdy, but very primitive compared to today’s IoT designs. It works by plugging into a wall timer, and dispensing food for a short duration when AC current is supplied, and then resets when the power is cut. The amount of food dispensed is determined by twisting a small potentiometer with a tiny screwdriver (seriously!).
If the Feeder Only Had A Brain
I have a cursory fascination with machine learning, and sometimes read about what’s what in the ML world. TensorFlow has been a hot topic of late, and they have a few dead simple tutorials for lay people like myself. shows how to retrain an image labelling model to recognize objects of your choosing… like perhaps your own pets.
I thought maybe, just maybe, I could fiddle with the TensorFlow tutorial’s code and cobble together a system that allows the feeder to ‘recognize’ Lola and dispense a tiny meal for her, but refuse service to Maddie. Given the simple nature of the feeder (plug in = food, unplug = reset), some sort of smart-plug for the feeder would work just fine.
The Bright Idea
I have a couple Raspberry Pis lying around (what self-respecting tech nerd doesn’t?), and decided to use one for the guts of the operation. The full solution looked something like this…
Set up the RPi + camera to watch for cats mulling about near the feeder. Periodically snap a photo, and analyze said photo with TensorFlow to find Lola. If Lola is identified in the image, flip the switch on a smart plug or relay connected to feeder with the RPi. Then shut off the power to the feeder and sleep for an hour or two before allowing another feeding. We don’t want it constantly spitting out food while Lola is eating.
The Working Contraption
After a few days of tinkering, trial and error, ordering bits and bobs from the internet, and convincing my wife that I’m not crazy, I finally got a working version! As I suspected from the outset, it’s very much cobbled together and has a few quirks, but it does what I set out for it to do – feed one cat, but not the other.
(Quick reminder, I do still feed Maddie, but only twice a day with incredibly expensive cat food that I swear is better than what I eat some days)
The parts list for the working prototype are as follows…
- The SuperFeeder brand cat feeder
- A Raspberry Pi 3
- 32GB MicroSD card for RPi (with latest Raspbian)
- 5v power adapter for RPi
- (5mp)
- ( ETekCity )
- Thin copper wire (for an antenna)
- A box and/or stand for the RPi
The software involved includes…
- Raspbian OS
- TensorFlow
- Python (and Flask)
- Node.js
- ffmpeg
- IFTTT/Twitter/Twilio account (optional)
The “How it Works”
The RPi is set up near the feeder in a small box. The camera is pointing to the area in front of the feeder. After turning on the feeder, a python script bootstraps TensorFlow which loads the trained model into memory and gets ready to analyze an image. It waits until it is triggered by a GET request set up with Flask. So TensorFlow twiddles its thumbs, waiting patiently for some work to do.
Concurrently, A Node script fires up to do the ‘detection and feeder’ cycle. The script goes a little something like this…
A picture is taken with the camera. After the photo is saved to disk, the Node app calls the python service which analyzes the image and returns some JSON data. The data includes the probabilities of Lola and Maddie being in the image. If the “Lola probability” is greater than 99.3%, the Node script sends an RF signal to turn on the outlet with the connected feeder plug. The feeder gets power and dispenses a tiny bit of food. After a few seconds, the Node script sends an RF signal to turn off the feeder, then sends a message to IFTTT to alert me that Lola got food. It also copies the last image taken into another folder and timestamps the filename. The cycle then times out for 90 minutes, and then resumes taking pictures.
It all works surprisingly well, except at night when the camera sees only blackness. Luckily, the RF controlled outlets come in packs of five, so I hooked up a lamp to another one and have the Node script also turn the light on for a couple hours in the evening, and early in the morning (Lola really likes to eat at 5:30am, and she lets us know it).
The IFTTT notification and copied image are nice-to-haves that let me keep an eye on things until I get a better interface put together. It also lets me check out any false positives that might occur, and give me better ideas for retraining the TensorFlow model.
On the TODO List
- Definitely a sturdier box and camera mount. Lola has already threatened to knock the whole thing off the desk (as cats do), and barely a tap will knock the camera out of place.
- A PIR motion detector to trigger the camera instead of running the camera non-stop. Not sure how useful it would be, but I have a PIR sensor, so why not?
- A database to record data. Collect feeding times and pictures to get a better idea of Lola’s eating habits.
- A web interface. It would be nice to adjust the timeout between feedings, manually trigger a feeding, control the lamp, and generally see what’s going on via the web.
- A Maddie scarecrow. Sometimes Lola does’t quite eat all the food, and Maddie jumps in behind her to finish the job. Might be worthwhile to play a loud noise or something if Maddie is detected (but not Lola) soon after a feeding occurs.
- 100% Python. I used Node because I know Node, but there’s no reason this couldn’t be one Python script instead of two separate programs. Someday I’ll fulfill my dream of learning Python, and may refactor this project accordingly.
Stay Tuned
More posts will follow on the technical details of the implementation. TTFN!